Its a sunny, albeit cold, NY morning.
Grab a cafe con leche, turn up the brazilian music, curl up in front of your computer, and click away.
Something Positive
In light of recent turmoil regarding the tentative Watchmen movie, Something Positive pokes at the less than thrilled Alan Moore.
[Via Neil]
My geekdom does not extend to the collection of figurines, but I do reluctantly admit to owning not one, but two Wonder Woman Barbie Dolls. And it turns out I may need to purchase another as Mattel has announced it's 2008 line that includes not only WW, but Black Canary, Batgirl, and Supergirl.
Mixtape Flashback
Long time readers are well aware of my fondness for the art of the mixtape, so it is no surpise how much I appreciate this little Valentine's Day gift from BeaucoupKevin.
Benefit Concert

Speaking of tunes, most of you jazzers out there are already aware of the upsetting news regarding Andrew D'Angelo and his recent discovery that he has brain cancer. Even more upsetting is that as a typical jazz musician, he has no health insurance.
For you local NYers, come out next week to one of the many benefit concerts being held to raise money for Andrew's illness. Details are on Darcy's blog.
In complete honesty, I am not really at all familiar with D'Angelo's music, and I've never met him. But we all know how hard this society makes it for the creative type to survive the more mundane aspects of life (and I'm not talking just musicians here). I feel especially grateful to the various musicians, comic writers, and artists of all types who have done their little bit to help me out, sometimes without ever having met me. In the name of solidarity, I will definitely be in attendance to at least one of these concerts, and I hope you, faithful reader will join me.
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