Fox just announced the Joss Whedon's Dollhouse has been renewed for a 2nd season!!!!!
I'd like to think it was with the help of this online campaign, but whatever the reason, consider me a happy gal!
Now to go write some music like a good composer...
Write about this show? I wanto to know something about it before some channel broadcast it in Argentina...
Pablo- Are you a Joss Whedon fan? If so... definitely check this show out. It starts really slow. I was really disappointed in the first 5 episodes or so but it slowly picked up and the season finale was fantastic! If you give it a try, which you should, make sure to give it many chances! Hope you like it!
I'm not a big fan of Buffy,but I've really enjoyed Angel (it's deserves a movie or at least a miniseries)and Firefly, including Serenity. I don't know when the local networks will broadcast Dollhouse and I hope it will be soon. I don't want to downloadit from some website, but you never know... :P... By the way, I want to know about yor most recent compositions. Have you been working on a Rorschach theme?... Hope so...
i have to restart watching this one. i watched the 1st two eps and couldn't get into it. i guess i'll catch up on Hulu.
@weic? yeah- definitely have to get past the first 5 or 6 episodes, but you'll see a steady improvement in each one. By the end of the season, the show is up to par for a Whedon show!
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