I`ve just visited from facebook link. It's look great, really. I like that philosophy of the coffe places.. Here, in neuquen I always go to one in order to drink a cappuccino and eat a Moka Cake
Hi Donna, I play in the Jazz Duo "Idle Words" and we are offering our press-kit/album to Jazz Bloggers in exchange for the possibility of a review on their web site. If you are interested, please email me on: tom@idle-words.co.uk
Also, we are offering a free MP3 track to anyone who joins our mailing list (www.idle-words.co.uk/contact-us.shtml) if you or any of your readers are interested?
D0nnaTr0y is the alter-ego of composer Kelly Fenton. Based in a tiny NYC apartment, Kelly composes music about comic books, and real life comic-like characters.
I`ve just visited from facebook link. It's look great, really. I like that philosophy of the coffe places.. Here, in neuquen I always go to one in order to drink a cappuccino and eat a Moka Cake
By the way... Ted Kord deserves a resurrection theme...
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Blue Note Management Group APAP Showcase:
McCoy Tyner Trio with special guest Gary Bartz
Francisco Mela’s Cuban Safari
Jon Batiste Band
Alfredo Rodriguez
Francisco Mela’s Cuban Safari
Jonathan Batiste
Alfredo Rodriguez
January 08,2010
Concert starts @ 8PM
Doors open @ 6PM
Tickets $25.00
Full dinner menu available / General Admission Seated Show / All Ages / First come, first seated / $10 min per person at tables
Hi Donna,
I play in the Jazz Duo "Idle Words" and we are offering our press-kit/album to Jazz Bloggers in exchange for the possibility of a review on their web site. If you are interested, please email me on: tom@idle-words.co.uk
Also, we are offering a free MP3 track to anyone who joins our mailing list (www.idle-words.co.uk/contact-us.shtml) if you or any of your readers are interested?
Many Thanks,
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